
15 Best Sunscreens Safe For Acne-Prone Skin To Use

Posted on: June 8th, 2021 by Our Team

Dr. Sheila Farhang was featured in Women’s Health’s article, ‘15 Best Sunscreens Safe For Acne-Prone Skin To Use’. Here is an excerpt from the article, ‘With warmer weather on the way, you’re bound to start sweating more, which is not the best news for your sun protection, especially if your skin is naturally on the oilier side. If you’re in the midst of a bad breakout, there are the beauty products you want to put on your skin (i.e. concealer and spot treatment) and the ones you don’t. For most people, sunscreen falls in the latter category. After all, who wants to put something that’s stereotypically greasy on top of an already oily complexion?’

Read the full article here.

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