
We Asked Popular Dermatologists To Answer Your Biggest Back-To-School Skin Qs

Posted on: August 25th, 2021 by Our Team

Dr. Sheila Farhang was featured in Elite Daily’ article, ‘We Asked Popular Dermatologists To Answer Your Biggest Back-To-School Skin Qs’. Here is an excerpt from the article, ‘Preparing to head back to school can leave anyone frazzled, as COVID-19 variant uncertainty continues to shroud a safe, stable return to campus life in the new semester. And that’s on top of the other things on your to-do list: shopping for textbooks and school supplies, mentally planning how many hours you’ll have to spend in the library to balance your schoolwork with your social life, and, of course, making time for a skin care routine in between it all. Unfortunately, all that stress can do a number on your skin, and because of that, dermatologists all over Instagram and TikTok are asking you to carve out a modicum of time to take care of your skin as you head back to school.’

Read the full article here.

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