
Hyaluronic Acid for Hair: Benefits and How to Use It

Posted on: October 21st, 2021 by Our Team

Dr. Sheila Farhang was featured in Byrdie’s article, ‘Hyaluronic Acid for Hair: Benefits and How to Use It’. Here is an excerpt from the article, “We know hyaluronic acid as the ingredient responsible for hydrating and temporarily plumping up the skin to lessen the appearance of superfine lines—but did you know that it could benefit your hair as well? If you have yet to use hyaluronic acid in your hair care products, this is one ingredient you’ll want to start seeking out. But just a heads-up: It might not appear as “hyaluronic acid” on your product’s label. “Hyaluronic acid comes in different forms, and the least expensive version is sodium hyaluronate, more commonly seen for haircare,” explains cosmetic chemist Ginger King. To learn even more about how to use this skincare favorite on your hair, we turned to King and experts Dr. Sheila Farhang, and Bridgette Hill.”

Read the full article here.

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